Ninib Baryawno, Youmna Kfoury, Nicolas Severe, Shenglin Mei, Karin Gustafsson, Taghreed Hirz, Thomas Brouse, Elizabeth Scadden, Anna A. Igolkina, Bryan Choi, Nikolas Barkas, John H. Shin, Philip J. Saylor, David T. Scadden, David B. Sykes, Peter V. Kharchenko, as part of the Boston Bone Metastasis Consortium
The following links provide interactive views to the Conos joint alignment results shown in the manuscript:
Use the links below to explore expression patterns in the individual apps.
Differential expression was ran between comparing expression within the annotated cell types between different types of samples (e.g. Tumor vs. Benign, or Involved vs. Distal). Use the column sorts (also column filters, which can be accessed in the column header drop-down menu) to select a set of genes on the page, and click one of the two buttons on the bottom to test the functional/annotation enrichment of the resulting page gene set.
Code of data analysis is available at
All other code is available upon request.
All single-cell RNA-seq datasets have been deposited in the GEO under accession code GSE143791